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Free Migration To eCloud VPC

ANS will fund your migration cost from a dedicated server environment to eCloud VPC, up to the value of £5,000.

Register your interest before 31st March 2024 to get the offer.

Why eCloud VPC?

Key Benefits of Virtual Private Cloud

eCloud VPC offers companies cloud computing that is affordable and simple, yet scalable and secure.

Whether you want to increase server availability or become a more sustainable business, eCloud VPC can help your company achieve its objectives.

Built on the same VMware technology as most on premise servers, in many cases you can migrate without the need for significant re-architecting.

High Availability

Single points of failure are eliminated by including hardware redundancy as a standard feature.


Unlike dedicated servers, eCloud VPC can be scaled up or down to cope with demand within seconds & changes made instantly.

Cost Effectiveness

Economies of scale help to keep power costs stable. Access the most recent cloud technologies for server performance, backups, monitoring, scalability & more at a fraction of the cost on a dedicated platform.

Request A Free Migration

Simply fill in the form and one of our experts will be in touch.

In addition to your funded migration, our solutions include:
• 24/7/365 UK based support
• Security built in by design and by default
• Migration by accredited engineers
• Rapid problem resolution from people right here in the UK

Our partnerships.

As a fully accredited VMware partner, you can rest assured your virtual private cloud is running on the most up to date, highest performing infrastructure from the world's most trusted vendor.

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